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Sometimes I keep returning to the same places, or I want to explore something in depth.  These are my current and ongoing projects:


The historic village centre of New Swindon, built by the Great Western Railway.  I'm currently sketching and making a map.

So far I have been drawing the gardens of this National Trust property.  It's interesting to see it c hanging through the seasons and combine nature with architecture.

Sketch of Paignton Promenade

A new way that I've found to sketch.  These handmade little books were a way to use up unwanted patterned paper.  But I've found they are a great way to come up with some intriguing images on a theme.  

Everytime I go to Bristol I make a collage! 

King Street Bristol - Colourful Sketch
Baristocats Cafe, Swindon

Not exactly a project but over the past couple of years I've often sketched whilst sitting  in a cafe; this has really grown my confidence in sketching.  

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